For over two decades, Drake’s has held to their tradition of brewing a totally new beer every year for Jolly Rodger. This year’s version –which should be available through January– is described as a “Transatlantic Winter Warmer.” It is made with the addition of dark candi sugar and a Belgian ale yeast, which account, I suppose for the “trans-Atlantic” part.
In the glass, the 2016 Jolly Rodger Ale is a lovely-looking beer. Dark copper-colored, almost red -thanks, to a great extent, I expect, to the candi sugar. The head is not long-lasting, but the beer is nicely carbonated, even effervescent upon first tasting.
It is malty, and spicy –not in a pumpkin pie-kind of way, but to my mind, more reminiscent of ginger bread or spice cake— but not overpoweringly so. The Belgian yest character is evident right up front, as is the candi sugar, but in the background there are notes of dried fruits –maybe of dark cherries, maybe of prunes or raisins.
Both, in terms of flavor, and of alcohol (10% abv), it is indeed a warmer, but it is not a heavy beer. With how cold it is tonight, I’m indeed glad I decided to pop open the bottle..
Further stats: 31 IBU | 10.0% ABV | 21.0° Plato O.G. | 4.5° Plato F.G.